Implementation of Regional Spatial Planning Policy in Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector in North Kolaka Regency


  • Ilham Yahya Universitas Bosowa Author


Spatial Planning Policy, Sustainable Development, Mining Sector, Governance


The aim of this research is to describe and analyze: 1). Implementation of Regional Spatial Planning Policy in Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector in North Kolaka Regency, as seen from: a) Interests affected; b) Benefit Type; c) Degree of Change; d) Program Implementer; and e) Technical Difficulties. 2) Factors that become obstacles in implementing the Regional Spatial Planning Policy in the Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector in North Kolaka Regency, which include: a) Geographical conditions; and b) Role of Program Implementer. The research was carried out through a) qualitative approach, using the interactive model data analysis method developed by Miles and Huberman. The research results show that: The implementation of regional spatial planning policies in the sustainable development of the mining sector has not gone well, where existing regional spatial planning products have not yet fully become regulations that can regulate the use of environmentally based mining management. Mining management needs to be structured and controlled through a sound policy, so that it can improve the natural physical environment before and after mining and create a sense of justice. Implementation also influences the behavior of stakeholders, in this case the regional government of North Kolaka Regency and the Central Government. Technical implementation is carried out by the Public Works and Spatial Planning Department. The development of the mining sector has become the goal of spatial planning development which is formulated in the formulation of spatial planning policies and strategies which will be valid for the next 20 years to become the leading sector of the regional economy of North Kolaka Regency.


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