Integration of Ponan Tradition in Event and Culture-Based Tourism Development in Poto Village, Sumbawa Regency


  • Anas Pattaray Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok Author
  • Sirajuddin Author
  • Jumraidin Author
  • Ujud Supriaji Author


Economy, Sustainable Tourism, Ponan Tradition, Cultural Tourism


Ponan Tradition as Social Capital and Local Wisdom of Farmers in Poto Village, Moyo Hilir District, Sumbawa Regency. The Ponan tradition is a form of social capital and local wisdom among the farming community in Poto Village, Moyo Hilir District, Sumbawa Regency. This tradition reflects the rich cultural heritage that has been preserved to this day, highlighting the importance of customs and cultural values in the lives of Poto Village residents. However, there is a research gap concerning how this tradition can be preserved and developed as social capital and a sustainable tourist attraction. This study employs a qualitative method with a case study approach, involving in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and focus group discussions. The findings indicate that the Ponan Tradition has substantial potential to be developed as a cultural tourism attraction, which can provide significant economic benefits to the Poto Village community. This includes increased income from tourism sectors such as accommodation, culinary arts, and local handicrafts. The implications of this research emphasize the importance of involving all stakeholders in the development of culture-based tourism. It is crucial to maintain a balance between cultural preservation and economic development to achieve long-term sustainability.


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