Reactualization of Siri Culture: “Analysis of the Influence of Leadership on New Public Management (NPM) and the Performance of the State Civil Apparatus of the Makassar City Government”


  • Musmulyadi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Parepare Author


Reactualization, leadership, New Public Management, Civil Servants, Performance


Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Asman Abnur in Bandung (13/3-2017) revealed that the quality of civil servants (PNS) is currently far from being expected. The lack of expertise possessed by civil servants has an impact on not maximizing the management of their resources. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of leadership on New Public Management (NPM) and Civil Service Performance as well as the influence of leadership on the performance of civil servant officers through New Public Management (NPM). This study used a descriptive reasearch approach and a confirmatory research approach. The results of this study show that leadership has a positive and significant influence on the performance of civil servants/structural officials in the Makassar City Government both directly and through NPM. The indirect relationship between leadership and positive performance shows that NPM contributes significantly to the relationship between leadership and the performance of civil servants, in this case structural officials of the Makassar City government, so that NPM can be used as an instrument to streamline the relationship between leadership and the performance of civil servants. New Public Management (NPM) as an intervening variable contributes greatly and plays a role in the relationship between leadership variables and the performance of civil servants. This means that NPM can be an instrument to streamline the influence of the three exogenous variables above on endogenous variables in this study


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