The Impact of Contextualizing Quranic Interpretation on Social Harmony in Multicultural Societies


  • Misbahul Munir Universitas Kiai Abdullah Faqih (UNKAFA) Gresik Author


social harmony, contextualization, multiculturalism, Quranic interpretation, tolerance


In multicultural societies, the interpretation of religious texts such as the Quran often becomes a source of tension, especially when the interpretations do not consider the diverse social contexts. This research aims to explore the impact of contextualizing Quranic interpretation on social harmony in pluralistic societies. Using a qualitative approach, this study analyzes how contextual interpretations of Quranic verses can contribute to creating a more inclusive and harmonious social environment. Data were collected through literature reviews and in-depth interviews with scholars, academics, and practitioners of Quranic interpretation. The findings indicate that contextualizing Quranic interpretation can align religious messages with contemporary social conditions, thereby supporting the development of values such as tolerance, mutual respect, and peaceful coexistence among various ethnic and religious groups. These findings underscore the importance of an adaptive and contextually relevant approach to Quranic interpretation in enhancing the quality of social interactions and minimizing potential conflicts. Additionally, this study identifies challenges and opportunities in applying contextual interpretations in multicultural societies, providing valuable insights for the development of Quranic studies and efforts to strengthen social harmony. This research is expected to make a significant contribution to the field of Quranic interpretation, particularly in a multicultural context, and serve as a reference for scholars, academics, and policymakers in formulating effective strategies to promote social harmony through a deeper understanding of the Quran.


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