Implementation of Differential Learning Strategies to Improve Learning Outcomes in the Merdeka Curriculum


  • Mochamad Muchson Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Author
  • Yopi Arianto Universitas Kahuripan Kediri Author


Strategy, learning, differentiation, Merdeka Curriculum, 2013 Curriculum


The purpose of this research is to describe the differences in learning outcomes in the implementation of differentiation learning strategies in the Merdeka curriculum with the 2013 curriculum. The quantitative research approach and the type of comparative research. Documentation data collection methods and data analysis techniques Merdeka sample t test. The results showed: 1) The average score for the Merdeka Curriculum is significantly different from the average score for the 2013 Curriculum. If it is seen at the average score for the two groups, the Merdeka Curriculum is higher than the 2013 Curriculum. 2) Differences between the Merdeka Curriculum and the 2013 Curriculum. Curriculum 2113 between - 0.12862 to 5.22787 with average difference of 2.54963. Conclusion: The differentiation learning strategy (teaching at the right level) in the Merdeka Curriculum has higher learning outcomes than the learning outcomes in the 2013 Curriculum


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