Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Indonesia's Hospitality Marketing: Facing the Digital Era with Innovation and Adaptation


  • I Made Bayu Wisnawa Universitas Triatma Mulya Author


Artificial Intelligence, Hospitality Marketing, Digital Era, Innovation, Adaptation


In today's digital era, technology has become a key element in the marketing strategy of the hospitality industry. This study aims to analyze the impact of the use of artificial intelligence in hotel marketing on increasing customer loyalty. Through a quantitative approach, this study collected data from 500 respondents who had stayed at various hotels that implemented digital marketing strategies. The data analysis technique uses SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with SMART PLS to measure the significant influence between digital marketing variables and customer loyalty. The results show that digital marketing technologies, such as social media, mobile apps, and offer personalization, have a positive influence on customer loyalty. The use of social media is especially effective in increasing brand awareness and customer interaction. Mobile apps, with their ease of access and transactions, as well as offer personalization, which provide a unique experience for each customer, are proven to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study also found that customer loyalty is not only influenced by artificial intelligence in digital marketing, but also by traditional factors such as service quality and hotel reputation. To increase customer loyalty, hotels must leverage digital marketing technologies such as social media, mobile apps, and offer personalization that provide a unique experience for each customer. Future research focuses on in-depth exploration of how the integration of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics can be used to predict customer behavior.


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