Digital Marketing Strategies in Secondary Schools: An Analysis of the Impact of Social Media on School Image and Popularity


  • Miswari Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Author


Marketing Strategy, School Image, Social Media, Information Technology, Digital Marketing


This study analyzes the effectiveness of marketing strategies in SMP Muhammadiyah 8Mijen by focusing on the impact of the use of information technology and social media on the image and popularity of the school. This study aims to find out the extent to which the marketing strategies implemented can increase the attractiveness of schools in the eyes of the community, as well as how managing relationships with stakeholders contributes to the sustainability of the marketing strategy. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with data collection methods in the form of observations, interviews, and documentation to determine the implementation, impact, and effectiveness of school marketing promotion. The results of the study show that marketing strategies that are implemented effectively through social media and information technology have increased public awareness of schools and strengthened the school’s image. In addition, managing relationships with parents, alumni, and the surrounding community has proven to play an important role in supporting the sustainability of the school’s marketing strategy. These findings indicate that the use of information technology and social media, as well as the active involvement of stakeholders, are key factors in the success of school marketing in today’s digital era.


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