Management of Marine Ecotourism in Pangandaran Beach, West Java, Indonesia


  • Donny Juliandri Prihadi Universitas Padjadjaran Author


Pangandaran, Natural Resources, AHP, Marine Ecotourism, sustainable tourism


Pangandaran Regency is one of the regions in West Java Province. West Java Province is geographically located on the southern route of West Java and this research objective is known for its many tourism potentials, especially beach tourism and marine ecotourism. Natural resources, human resources, the beauty of the beach, living ecosystems, regional environment, and other ecotourism potentials become integral parameters of marine ecotourism. The research was carried out in June-July 2024. Pangandaran Regency is directly facing the Indian Ocean because its area is in the South of Java. Java. Pangandaran Regency is famous for several beaches that can be used as tourist attractions, including as a tourist attraction including Batu Karas Beach, West and East Pangandaran Beach, and Batu Hiu Beach. This research uses a survey method and observation and comprehensive descriptive. Criteria for each station of beach tourism and marine ecotourism were determined using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with pair wire comparison. The result indicated that all locations are suitable for beach tourism and only on West and East Pangandaran Beach and Batu Karas categories are suitable for marine ecotourism. The variety of marine ecotourism in Pangandaran has increased. Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Pangandaran should be improved. Pangandaran is the best tourist destination in West Java Province, especially on marine ecotourism for sustainable tourism.


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