Educational Transformation Through Superior Quality Strategies


  • Normawati Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu Author


Educational Transformation, Quality Strategy, Superior


Educational transformation is a response to global changes and technological advancements, aiming to achieve superior quality strategies. The utilization of digital platforms, such as online learning platforms and educational applications, is key to realizing this transformation. This study explores positive impacts such as broader accessibility to education, adaptive learning, and innovative teaching methods. The research employs a qualitative approach to gain a deep understanding of the Educational Transformation Through Superior Quality Strategies in the city of Palu. This descriptive research aims to describe and analyze existing phenomena by collecting data from relevant research subjects. Primary data was obtained through direct field observations, interviews, and documentation. The results indicate that quality management strategies contribute positively to the improvement of educational quality in the city of Palu. Factors influencing educational transformation through superior quality strategies in Palu include: 1) Leadership, 2) Stakeholders, and 3) Adequate Resources. The implementation of educational transformation through superior quality strategies has achieved significant success in enhancing the quality of public services. Based on the discussion and analysis above, the conclusion shows that educational transformation through superior quality strategies in the city of Palu to improve the quality of public services involves stakeholders in decision-making, which can create a sense of ownership and increase the satisfaction of students, parents, teachers, and school staff with the services provided


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