Developing a Digital Competency Framework for Indonesian’s Students to Face Digital Learning Era


  • Nila Kartika Sari Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Author


Digital Competence, Digital Learning, Digital Communication and Collaboration, Problem Solving


The intentional use of technology is essential for enhancing and enriching student learning experiences, particularly in the context of digital education. As time advances, it becomes increasingly important for students to develop digital skills and competencies to foster an inclusive and constructive digital learning environment and to adapt to a digital culture that promotes flexible learning. This study aims to provide a qualitative exploration of a digital competency framework for students, emphasizing their understanding of digital competencies within the context of digital learning. A total of thirty-nine (n=39) students participated in an online survey designed to gather insights into their perceptions of developing digital competencies for digital learning. The findings of this study identify four (4) primary digital competencies and their related sub-competencies, serving as foundational elements for students to either cultivate new competencies or enhance their existing skill sets. The focus centers on literacy, communication and collaboration, content creation, and problem-solving in the digital learning sphere, with the objective of optimizing and leveraging students' use of digital media and technology


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