Implementation of Process Standards by Certified Teachers in Social Studies (IPS) Teaching at Junior High Schools in Pariaman Tengah District, Pariaman City


  • Serli Muchlian STKIP Ahlussunnah Bukittinggi Author


Certified Teachers, 2013 Curriculum, Authentic Assessment, Scientific Approach, Social Studies Teaching


The issue in this research stems from the lack of understanding among certified teachers in teaching Social Studies (IPS) regarding the preparation of lesson plans. The submission of learning materials often occurs late, sometimes two or three weeks after the learning process has begun, and there are even teachers who submit them at the end of the semester. In the implementation of learning, certified teachers have not fully used teaching methods that can explore students' abilities regarding the material being taught. Moreover, in the assessment process, the cognitive aspect is more frequently assessed compared to other aspects. The type of research used in this study is mixed-method research with a sequential exploratory design model. The first stage of the research uses qualitative methods, followed by quantitative methods. In the qualitative stage, observations and interviews were conducted with certified teachers in teaching Social Studies (IPS). The informants were determined using purposive sampling, resulting in a total of 11 certified teacher informants. In the quantitative research phase, data was collected through observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis used in this quantitative method is descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the research findings, it is revealed that Junior High Schools in Pariaman Tengah District, Pariaman City, implement the 2013 Curriculum. However, the implementation of the scientific approach stages is not running smoothly. The stages of associating and communicating are difficult to carry out. This is due to the lack of student motivation in expressing opinions or asking questions, resulting in the incomplete implementation of the 2013 Curriculum. The process of authentic assessment is also not perfect, as it predominantly focuses on cognitive assessment. The lack of appropriate textbooks also poses a challenge in the learning process, as the KTSP curriculum books are inadequate to support the teaching and learning process.


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