The Effectiveness of the Cooperative Learning Method Type Team Quiz on Introduction to Geography Material on the Learning Outcomes of Grade X Students at SMA Negeri 1 Tilatang Kamang


  • Tiara Suci Ramadhani STKIP Ahlussunnah Bukittinggi Author


Effectiveness, Learning Method, Activeness, Learning Outcomes


This study aims to determine whether the team quiz cooperative learning method is more effective than the discussion method in terms of student learning outcomes and activeness. This research involved two classes as comparisons: the experimental class using the team quiz learning method and the control class using the discussion method. Each class consisted of 36 students. Data were collected through observation techniques using indicator sheets and by administering learning outcome tests in the form of multiple-choice questions. The learning outcome tests included two tests: a pretest and a post-test. The results of the study showed that: 1) There was a difference in abilities between the two classes as seen from the pretest results. This was proven by the t-test results and the average pretest scores of the two classes, where the experimental class obtained a lower average compared to the control class. 2) There was a significant increase in the post-test results of the two classes, with the t-test results indicating that the scores of both classes were the same. Thus, the team quiz method was found to be effective for improving learning outcomes. This conclusion is supported by the higher average post-test scores in the experimental class compared to the control class. 3) There was a significant difference in student activeness between the experimental class and the control class, as evidenced by the t-test results and the average activeness scores of the students in both classes. 


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