AI in Stem-Based Learning: Preparing the Young Generation to Face Future Challenges


  • Miftahussa'adiah Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang Author


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Intelligence, Job Satisfaction, Job Performance


This study aims to examine the effect of implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and increasing Intelligence on job performance, with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. Through quantitative methods and regression analysis, this study involved 100 employee respondents from various industries who have implemented Artificial Intelligence (AI) in company operations. Sampling is done using stratified random sampling techniques with questionnaires and quantitative data analysis using regression analysis and path analysis. The results state that the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a positive effect on work performance, and increased Intelligence has a positive effect on work performance. Furthermore, the role of job satisfaction is able to mediate the effect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligence on job performance. The joint positive influence between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligence in influencing work performance. The results of the study are expected to provide insight into the importance of the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and the development of Intelligence capacity in improving work effectiveness, as well as showing the crucial role of job satisfaction in optimizing the benefits of technology and intellectual capacity on employee performance. The findings are expected to contribute to human resource management literature and business practices, especially in the evolving digital era. 


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