Could the roles and patterns of stakeholder relationships determine the success of sustainable ecotourism development strategies in buffer areas


  • Sri Jumiati University of Muhammadiyah Palu Author


Ecotourism, stakeholders, buffer areas, conservation


This research aims to identify the roles and patterns of stakeholder relationships and determine sustainable ecotourism development strategies in the TNLL buffer area. The research was located in Karunia Village as a natural orchid conservation area which is directly adjacent to TNLL. Sample determination was carried out using a purposive sampling technique while data collection was carried out through observation and interviews. Next, the data obtained was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research show that the Forest Farmer Group, Village Community, Village Government, Lore Lindu National Park Center (BBTNLL), Sigi Regency Tourism Office (Dispar), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Universities are stakeholders who are involved and have mutual roles, related through relationship patterns based on the components of cooperation, coordination and communication. The strategy for developing sustainable ecotourism in buffer areas that has been successfully formulated includes increasing communication between stakeholders, strengthening institutional capacity through mentoring and empowerment as well as increasing local community participation in each stage of management. Implementation of the strategy is expected to not only contribute to improving environmental quality, but also to the social and economic welfare of the people of Karunia Village and the entire buffer zone around TNLL


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