Reconstruction of Minangkabau Kaba Gadih Basanai Literature Literature as A Digital Based Learning Media to Plant Children of the Nation Moral Values


  • Hasri Fendi UIN Imam Bonjol Padang Author


digitization, kaba, Minangkabau, morals, learning


Kaba Gadih Basanai is interesting to study for several reasons, namely (1) kaba is increasingly disappearing from the lives of Minangkabau people, (2) young genes that are able to say this kaba are getting fewer, (3) this kaba contains very positive moral values ​​for education in Indonesia. This study aims to reconstruct the moral values ​​contained in Kaba Gadih Basanai, so that with the study of kaba this will facilitate the reader in understanding Kaba Gadih Basanai. The findings in this story are that the moral values ​​in the kaba are (1) friendly, (2) humble , (3) sociable, (4) respect for parents, (5) knowing reciprocity, (6) high sense of brotherhood, (7) loyal, (8) selfless, (9) hobby of gambling, it can be concluded that kaba is laden with teachings that are worthy of imitation even though we live in a sophisticated world, but there are also negative moral teachings that must be avoided. So that the literary reconstruction can be used as a digital-based learning media in an effort to promote the moral values of the nation’s children.


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