The Influence of Marketing Environment, Market Orientation, and Marketing Agglomeration Partnership on Sustainable Marketing Performance Mediated by Environmentally Friendly Product Innovation and Moderated by Digital Marketing (Study on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)


  • Asep Supriadi Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Author


Marketing Environment, Market Orientation, Marketing Agglomeration Partnership, Environmentally Friendly Product Innovation, Sustainable Marketing Performance


This study aims to empirically test, analyze, and explain: (1) Whether sustainable marketing performance is influenced by the marketing environment either directly or indirectly through environmentally friendly product innovation as a mediating variable. (2) Whether marketing performance is directly or indirectly influenced by market orientation through environmentally friendly product innovation as a mediating variable. (3) Whether sustainable marketing performance is influenced by marketing agglomeration partnerships either directly or indirectly through environmentally friendly product innovation as a mediating variable. (4) Whether digital marketing moderates the influence of environmentally friendly product innovation on sustainable marketing performance. Theoretically, the results of this study are expected to enrich and complete the treasury of knowledge in the marketing field, especially MSME marketing, so that it is useful for academics and practitioners. The type of research used is quantitative research with data analysis using SEM (Structural Equation Model) processed with SmartPLS Version 4 software. Furthermore, the population of this study is active MSME actors. For the research sample used is the number of indicators multiplied by a range between 5 and 10 as a multiplier factor. The results of this study are expected to answer all hypotheses that are built on all variables involved in this study in accordance with the research questions outlined above, and which are summarized in the conceptual framework of this study. 


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