Implementation of Business Intelligence for Classifying Product Values and Revenue of UMKM at Diskopdagperin in Kuningan Regency Using Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Technology


  • Nandita Rahma Putri Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia – Cirebon Author


UMKM, Visualization, OLAP, Business Intelligence, Tableau


UMKM have an important role in the economic development of the country. Kuningan Regency is one of the regencies in West Java with a significant number of UMKM, especially in the food sector. Department Cooperative UKM and Industry (Diskopdagperin) is responsible for implementing regional policies in the fields Cooperative UKM Trade and Industry. Department Cooperative UKM and Industry in Kuningan Regency often faces challenges with large, unstructured datasets that need to be analyzed. To analyze UMKM data in Kuningan Regency and monitor their development, a Business Intelligence (BI) analysis model is needed to manage the data effectively. The result of the analysis will be visualized by displaying dashboards or graphs to make it easier for the public to read data or information about UMKM development. This analysis will help UMKM practitioners predict their business prospects through the generated visualizations. This research processes data by implementing Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technology with the assistance of the Tableau application to produce visualizations from processed data, providing information on the development of UMKM in Kuningan Regency, including business trends, regional trends, and turnover.


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