Application of the Guided Inquiry Learning Model on the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Junior High School Students


  • Majidah Khairani STKIP Ahlussunnah Bukittinggi Author


Guided Inquiry, Mathematical, Problem-Solving Ability


This study aims to determine whether the mathematical problem-solving ability of students using the guided inquiry learning model is better than that of students using conventional learning methods in seventh-grade students at SMPN 1 Baso. This type of research is a quasi-experiment with a randomized control group only design. The population of the study consists of seventh-grade students at SMPN 1 Baso, divided into seven classes with a total of 138 students. The sample in this study includes 20 students from class VII 1 as the experimental class and 20 students from class VII 2 as the control class, selected through simple random sampling. The research instrument is a final test in the form of essay questions related to mathematical problem-solving abilities. The results of the final test will be used for hypothesis testing using a t-test with  = 0.05 and degrees of freedom (df) = 36. The analysis shows that the average score of problem-solving abilities in the experimental class is higher than in the control class. Based on the t-test, it is found that the mathematical problem-solving ability of students with the guided inquiry learning model is better than that of students with the conventional learning model. 


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