The Teachers’ Strategies Used in Distance Learning During Pandemic Covid – 19 MTSN 2 Kota Kediri


  • Mokh. Satya Ali Ridho Universitas Padjadjaran Author


Online learning, COVID-19 pandemic , ELMA platform, Distance education, English language teaching


As a result of covid 19 entering Indonesia, the impact that occurs is that learning that is done offline turns into online. This is a new challenge for teachers and students. They use new online media in their learning. Therefore they use a online meeting platfoam and also use whatsapp group for giving the information A qualitative studies conducted by the researcher. He use for interview and also documentation for doing the research with English teacher in Mts Negeri 2 Kota Kediri. There are five teacher as a participant in this research. Another instrument that used by the researcher is documentation . The result is ELMA is the primary app to support learning process which is complete to make some activities such as material explanation, assignment, attendance list, and assessment. During the pandemic, teacher using ELMA and collaborate it among another apps and it has proven to be effective in the distance learning process Although technology really helps the learning process, the data claim that the use of technology during pandemic is not maximum. It cause the difficulties of the network connection and student’s understanding. But beside it, teacher aware about this problem and provide some stategies to solve it, and one of them is free consult about the lesson that still hard to understand in every week. The teachers also apply some strategies making the teaching-lllearning process run well.


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