Understanding Proverbs as Moral Lessons and Character Development: Batak Toba Wedding Traditions in Indonesia


  • Jerry Wilson Politeknik Pariwisata Medan Author


Semantics, Translation Theory, Interpretation, Batak Toba, Wedding Culture, Proverb Analysis 4o


In Batak Toba culture, proverbs are integral to various ceremonies such as births, baptisms, housewarmings, weddings, and funerals. These proverbs not only transmit cultural values but also convey positive messages and motivation. In Batak Toba ceremonies, proverbs function like prayers and well-wishes. Understanding these proverbs requires precise linguistic analysis that considers both meaning and interpretation, achievable through the study of semantics, which examines literal and figurative meanings. In Batak wedding ceremonies, proverbs are interpreted through semantic and translation studies to convey several key messages: the inseparability of marriage by human intervention, the importance of maintaining marital integrity acknowledged by the community, and the aspiration for a harmonious and prosperous family. This analysis underscores the role of proverbs in imparting moral lessons and motivating individuals within the cultural context.


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