Mixed Methods: Leadership Coaching, Coach Competencies, Self-Efficacy Coachee Influence on Job Performance in Training Programs


  • Sunarto Universitas Negeri Jakarta Author


Leadership Coaching, Coach Competencies, Self-Efficacy, Job Performance, Leadership Learning, Leadership Training


This study aims to investigate the influence of leadership coaching, coach competencies, and coachee’s self-efficacy on job performance in leadership training programs at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Teccnology Human Resource Training Center, as well as the role of leadership learning as a mediator in these relationships. Employing a mixed-methods research design, data were collected through quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews with training participants and coaches. Multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling were used to examine the relationships between variables, while thematic analysis was applied to the qualitative data. The results indicate that leadership coaching, coach competencies, and participant self-efficacy significantly predict job performance, both directly and indirectly through leadership learning. Qualitative findings reveal key themes such as the importance of feedback, coach-participant relationships, and the application of learned skills. This research provides valuable insights into the factors contributing to the success of leadership training programs and highlights the crucial role of leadership learning in mediating the relationships between these factors and job performance. Implications for the design and implementation of leadership development initiatives are discussed. The study emphasizes the need to consider coach competencies, participant self-efficacy, the coaching process, and the facilitation of leadership learning in enhancing training outcomes. Further research is recommended to investigate the generalizability of these findings to different training contexts and to explore additional variables that may influence the effectiveness of leadership training programs. 


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