Exploring the Use of Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) Strategies in Elementary Schools: Mixed Methods Design with IRAMUTEQ


  • Heru Subrata Universitas Negeri Surabaya Author


TPCK, Javanese Language, Technology, Pedagogical Strategy, Mixed-Method, IRAMUTEQ


This study aims to explore the use of TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) in Javanese language learning in elementary schools, with a focus on the use of technology and pedagogical strategies used by teachers. The research design used is Mixed-Method with IRAMUTEQ as a data analysis tool. Data was collected through observation, interviews with teachers, and document analysis. The results of the study show that teachers use various technologies in Javanese language learning, but the application of TPCK is still limited. In addition, the pedagogical strategies used tend to vary depending on the context and characteristics of the students. The implications of this study are the importance of improving the understanding and application of TPCK in the context of Javanese language learning, as well as the importance of developing pedagogical strategies that suit the needs of students. This research contributes to the understanding of the integration of technology in regional language learning and provides guidance for teachers in improving the quality of Javanese language learning in East Java, Indonesia. 


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