Fair Competitive Business Competition on the Principle of Proportionality


  • Osgar Sahim Matompo Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu Author


Principle of Proportionality, Justice, Business Competition


In an increasingly competitive business world, the principle of proportionality plays an important role in creating fair business competition. This article examines the application of the principle of proportionality in the context of competitive business competition, with the aim of understanding how this principle can promote fairness and balance in the market. The research method used is normative juridical analysis with a comparative legal approach, which allows the author to explore various legal systems and best practices in applying the principle of proportionality. The research results show that implementing the principle of proportionality can reduce injustice and prevent abuse of market power by large companies, thereby creating a more balanced and fair business environment. In conclusion, applying the principle of proportionality in business competition not only increases fairness, but also strengthens competitiveness and innovation in the market. 


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