How is the Effectiveness of Ethnoscience-Based Modules in Science Learning in Indonesia?: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Ina Lestari Universitas Riau Author


Module, Ethnoscience, Natural Science


Natural Sciences (IPA) is an important subject for Junior High School (SMP) students. In reality, science subjects are less popular and consider science subjects difficult to learn. Thus, teachers are asked to be creative in teaching so that students are interested in learning and improve their learning outcomes. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of ethnoscience-based science modules in Indonesia for junior high school students. The method used is the Systematic Literature Review prism model using, the results digital libraries, namely Google Scholar, Crossref, Eric, and Garuda. In order for the selected literature to be relevant, the search uses the keywords "module, ethnoscience, IPA". Furthermore, filtering is carried out to obtain scientific article publications from 2020 to 2024. Based on the keywords, 1990 articles were obtained and then selected based on exclusion and inclusion criteria to produce 50 relevant articles. The analysis technique used is the narrative method by grouping the extracted data. The results of this study show that ethnoscience-based modules in science learning are effective in improving 21st century skills. Thereforeof this study open up good opportunities for further researchers to explore this topic further and make it a reference for researchers and teachers.


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